Category:Internal Pages

From TWIST Wiki
Revision as of 23:17, 7 September 2007 by Ahillair (talk | contribs) (Twist analysis 2004-2007 to wiki page now)
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Welcome to TWIST

Public TWIST Pages are also available.

For Collaboration members:


TWIST Current Run Page (2007)

Run Summaries And Logs are available to tell you what data has been taken.


TWIST Forums

TWIST E-LogBooks

  • Mini-forums on more specialized topics, such as Westgrid running. (You can browse as user twist.)


TWIST Hardware database

  • Tracking every part of the TWIST detector.

TWIST Hardware

  • Descriptions, diagrams, maps, user manuals. (PAD, PACT, TDC, Cabling...)


TWIST Software

  • Instructions, cluster information, analysis information, etc.

TWIST Analysis


TWIST Reading List

  • Theses, papers, journals which are useful for TWIST physics.

TWIST Technotes

  • Archive of internal reports.

TWIST Theses

  • Theses by graduate and co-op/summer students.

TWIST Publications and Presentations

  • Conference presentations, journal articles, and other published or presented works. (Public page.)
  • Source files for some publications are also available.

TWIST Transparencies

  • Pictures and Slides for use in TWIST Presentations. Includes a List of TWIST Collaborators.

TWIST Photo Album

  • Pictures of all kinds.


TWIST Committees

  • Members of various TWIST committees (TSC, TPB), with links to descriptions and mandates.

Directory Of Useful Contacts

  • Email addresses, phone numbers...
  • See also the official list of TWIST Participants. (Public page.)

TWIST Teleconferencing

  • Meeting schedule; instructions for participating in TWIST conference calls with the TRIUMF teleconferencing system.


TWIST Old Website

This Wiki is intended to be the the official TWIST internal site; many pages from the old site have been migrated here, and most of the rest are linked to from within the wiki. But here's a link to the (static, outdated) old site.